Tuesday, July 31, 2007

week 6, thing 13 ~ del.icio.us

It took me a little while to get del.icio.us simply because it seems like such a multi-faceted website. I do think that it is an enormously convenient way to bookmark favorite websites and links. However, I also think that it could easily suck hours of my life away as I explore the favorite websites of other users, clicking and clicking from tag to delicious tag.

I added a network badge to the growing list of items on the right side of the page.

1 comment:

JimD said...

I had only briefly heard of del.icio.us before starting this program. Now I use it all the time. I like that I can find my bookmarks from anywhere. I also REALLY like the option of tagging them with multiple terms. It allows you to categorize things much more easily than some folder system.