Tuesday, July 3, 2007

week 3, thing 7 ~ technology post

Pretty much everything about technology fascinates and astounds me...and I don't pretend to understand the inner workings of any of it. My husband loves to try to explain various aspects of technology to me, but inevitably my eyes glaze over and my mind wanders far far away.

My favorite pieces of technology include Tivo, my iPod (with home speakers and a car adapter!), my computer, and my two digital cameras. I don't understand how they do what they do and I don't ever hope to, but I appreciate them for the fun and convenience they provide.

On a much broader scale, technology also terrifies me. I admit to a nagging fear that one day someone's superweapon will cause mass destruction, the likes of which have never been seen before, and I wish the peace-seekers and earth-preservers outnumbered and outranked those who would use technology for less noble pursuits.

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